.. _changelog:


..  :Source: doc/CHANGES.txt
    :Version: 1.2.1
    :Author: Antonio Valentino
    :Contact: a_valentino@users.sf.net
    :URL: http://bestgui.sourceforge.net
    :Revision: $Revision: 706 $
    :Date: $Date: 2009-04-13 11:51:36 +0200 (lun, 13 apr 2009) $
    :License: GNU General Public License (GPL)

BESTGUI-1.2.1 13-Apr-2009

- improved checks and fault tolerance in preview generation
- more robust ".ini" files loading
- updated HMI files to best v. 4.2.2b
- improved Check param type
- updated xopen to version 1.1 of the recipe 51433 (python cookbook)
- compatibility with python 2.6

BESTGUI-1.2.0 16-Aug-2008

- documentation largely reworked and updated
- the sphinx_ tool is used to generate the entire documentation set
- a new API section have been added to the user manual
- fixed py2exe standalone application and installer
- now the subprocess handler explicitly sets the workdir and the environment
  of the external tool
- fixed workdir handling
- support for BEST v. 4.2.0 and higher
- added checks on PyGTK version
- added support for gtksourceview2
- improved BEST version detection
- now the py2exe standalone packaging works again (fixed a bug in BESTGUI
  re-spawning performed on windows platform for setting language related
  environment variables)
- logging improved
- added new command line options: one to enable debug mode and one to set
  the logfile name
- improved BEST tools defaults (input/output folders)

.. _sphinx: http://sphinx.pocoo.org/

BESTGUI-1.1.0 14-Aug-2007

- command line parameters handling
- smart environment handling improved (unittest added)
- window state saved in the configuration file
- new the user can choose to enabled/disabled previews by default or to
  get a pop-up dialog for confirmation
- improved preferences dialog
- Python versions <= 2.3 are no more supported: subprocess module removed
  from the distribution, compatibility code removed as well
- PyGTK versions < 2.6 are no more supported: compatibility code removed
- coding style improved
- updated copyright notice
- removed "licenses" folder (no more needed)
- improved setup environment (debian packaging completely rewritten)
- fixed subprocess2 incompatibility win python2.4
- fixed an infinite loop on preview generation (win32)
- language setup fixed
- bug-fix in ESAAnnotationsViewer
- many other bugfix and minor changes

BESTGUI-1.0 14-May-2007

- new logo
- "bestgui" script improved: now it also works with symbolic links
- subprocess module updated to the last revision available on the python.org
  svn repository
- minor improvements in docstrings
- MANIFEST file inclusion in the source distribution fixed
- new xopen module (from python cookbook recipe 511443)
- improved email_hook for the about dialog: it now uses the xopen.mailto
  function for sending e-mails with the user's default e-mail client
- bugfix in the preferences.get_browserlauncher function: now it actually uses
  the user provided webbrowser name
- minor changes in exectools
- finalize method fixed in exectools (check whenever self.subprocess.stdout
  is None)
- fixed typo errors in paramset.CoRegistrationParamSet: now the improved
  co-registration dialog is correctly used
- improved platform check
- several minor changes and bug fix

BESTGUI-0.99 07-January-2007

- output viewing capabilities added:

  * a preview of the output image is showed in a separate tab together with
    the image annotations (for almost all the tools that produce an image as
  * the output view is also available for the Header Analysis and the
    Ancillary Data Dump tools and for all the tools that produce a standard
    TIFF file as output (Quick Look Generation, Footprint etc).

- now it is possible to view the parameters file as text further than as a
  form (the text view uses gtksourceview when available)
- when best is running a blinking light is showed near the progress-bar
  reporting the program activities in a finer way
- coding style improved (PEP 8)
- improved webbrowser handling
- improved dialog messages formatting in exectoolsgtk.GtkDialogLoggingHandler
- tested on python 2.5
- info.py module added
- new logging sub-system based on the standard logging module
- new exectool.py and exectoolsgtk.py modules include all the tools for
  running external processes, controlling them and getting their output;
  exectoolsgtk.py also includes gtk adapters for the logging sub-system
- documentation updated: dic/hmispec.txt strongly improved
- several minor changes and bug fix

BESTGUI-0.98 22-August-2006

- THANKS file added
- New vertex editor dialog (AoI and Vertex Editor improved)
- Custom dialog for the co-registration tool
- New tag and improved context menu in outputlog
- New utility function for safe expression evaluation: this improves the
  security when conditions from HMI files are evaluated (thanks to Alex
- ParamSet classes improved:

  * ParamSet decoration handling code moved in separate classes
  * improved support for sub-sets and optional sub-sets
  * AoIParamSet now uses an expander
  * support for MultiSets

- GUI moved to single glade file
- Documentation and documentation style-sheets updated.
- StringVector (for multiple output files), Check, CheckChar and CheckString
  parameter types added
- Parameters based on paramtype.Entry now have two new item in the context
  menu: "Clean" and "Default"
- Improved BEST/STBX version retrieving and AboutDialog
- bugfix

  * fixed support for parameters with multiple quoted values
  * fixed variable name in conditions evaluation
  * some fix in hmi files
  * fixed bug that caused a wrong name to be displayed in the status-bar after
    "Save As" or when "Open" a new file without closing the old one (in this
    case the error happened only if the tool was the same for both files)
  * fixed several bugs in AoI
  * fixed duplicate file patterns retrieving
  * fixed language setting on win32
  * fixed the BEST version retrieving in win32

BESTGUI-0.97 01-June-2006

- Support for PyGTK 2.4 (simple about dialog replacement added)
- File Dialogs now allows the file pattern selection
- The default extension for the output file names is showed near the insertion
- Improved non-blocking I/O from the sub-process in POSIX systems: now the
  GUI is more responsive when a BEST job is running
- Improved support for old versions of BEST (SAR ToolBox)
- Fixed bug that caused the AoI form to be showed for every tool
- Function utils.getBestVersion now captures the stderr of the *best*
  sub-process so it no more goes to the terminal
- Improved the Python search path setup in the launch scripts
- Desktop file for Linux (entry in the system menu)
- Fixed message dialog pop-up at program shut-down in py2exe binary executable
- Several bug-fix and improvements

BESTGUI-0.96 27-April-2006

- Improved *Header Analysis* form
- Bugfix in *Save As* dialog setup
- Now BESTGUI supports Python >= 2.3:

  * missing functions added to utils module
  * subprocess module added to the project (pywin32 driver flag enabled)
  * new 'licenses' folder added to the project for third part modules licenses

- Documentation improved

  * README.html included in the source and binary packages
  * a new section added in the BESTGUI User Manual: "Quick start guide"
  * improved LaTeX style preferences for a better PDF documentation

BESTGUI-0.95 15-April-2006

- NEWS.txt and Makefile added
- Improved setup environment for win32.

  Now the setup script can generate:

  * python installers (bdist_wininst)
  * binary distributions (py2exe)
  * installer for binary distributions (py2exe + InnoSetup)

- Bugfix: exception from webbrowser handled
- Bugfix in preferences handling
- Bugfix in utils.fixBrowserCmd
- Minor changes for python 2.3 compatibility
- Minor changes

BESTGUI-0.94 09-April-2006

- First public release