.. _news-archive: News archive ============ This page contains the complete news archive of the `BESTGUI project`__. __ `BESTGUI project page`_ .. include:: latestnews.txt :18/08/2008: Released BESTGUI 1.2.0 Source and binary packages for the stable release of BESTGUI 1.2.0 are available for download_. Version 1.2.0 includes a better support for BEST v.4.2.0 and above (two new tools), a fix of the windows installer and support for gtksourceview2. Now the sphinx_ tool is used to generate the entire documentation set. :18/08/2008: New website. The website (and documentation) now have a completely new look. The sphinx_ tool is used to generate the entire documentation set. A new API section have been added to the user manual. :25/05/2008: Released BESTGUI 1.2.0a (unstable) Source and binary packages for the alpha release of BESTGUI 1.2.0 are available for download_. Version 1.2.0a includes a better support for BEST v.4.2.0 and above. :17/05/2008: BESTGUI 1.2.0a available via svn. The alpha release of BESTGUI 1.2.0 is available via svn. It includes a better support for the last BEST version (4.2.0). For details on how to use the SVN refer to the `BESTGUI project page`_ on SourceForge_. :17/05/2008: Source code repository moved to svn. The source code repository has been moved to subversion. The old CVS repository is no more available on SourceForge. :25/03/2008: BESTGUI 1.1 standalone installer for windows available. After long time the standalone installer for windows is again available. Take a look to the :ref:Downloads section. :19/03/2008: BEST v. 4.2.0 available. A new version of BEST (v. 4.2.0) is available on the ESA_ web site at http://earth.esa.int/services/best. :14/08/2007: Released BESTGUI 1.1. This is mainly a bugfix release. It has been fixed an important bug, that caused an infinite loop, on win32, at preview generation time. Strongly improved the smart environment handling and the preferences handling. Now the program has a simple command line interface. New debian package (uses pycentral). Starting from this version BESTGUI no more supports Python versions older than 2.4 and PyGTK version older than 2.6. :14/05/2007: Released BESTGUI 1.0. New logo. The "bestgui" script now also works when it is invoked from a symbolic link. Fixed bug in exectools that make the application to crash on win32 at the end of the processing. Fixed typo errors in paramset.CoRegistrationParamSet that make impossible to use the enhanced co-registration dialog. :07/01/2007: Released BESTGUI 0.99. Output viewing capabilities added: a preview of the output image is showed in a separate tab together with the image annotations. Now it is possible to view the parameters file as text further than as a form. Tested on python 2.5. Coding style improved (`PEP 8`_). Documentation updated: new "Internal HMI files format" section. Several minor changes and bug fix. :04/01/2007: The BESTGUI 0.99c candidate version is on the CVS. The main new feature of the 0.99 release is the output viewer: a preview of the output image is showed after the processing. Packages for the BESTGUI 0.99 stable version are coming soon. :22/08/2006: Released BESTGUI 0.98. Custom dialog for the co-registration tool, now an expander is used for the AoI specification, GUI moved to single glade file, StringVector (for multiple output files), Check, CheckChar and CheckString parameter types added, parameters based on paramtype.Entry now have two new item in the context menu: "Clean" and "Default", several minor improvements and bugfix. :20/07/2006: New BESTGUI page on http://www.GtkFiles.org. :01/06/2006: The CVS is on. The BESTGUI project sources now are available on the SourceForge CVS servers. For details on how to use the CVS refer to the `BESTGUI project page`_ on SourceForge_. :01/06/2006: Released BESTGUI 0.97. Support for PyGTK 2.4, improved support for old versions of BEST (SAR ToolBox) and many other improvements and bug-fix. :27/04/2006: Released BESTGUI 0.96. Support for Python 2.3, a brief tutorial added to the *BESTGUI User Manual* and a couple of important bug-fix. :19/04/2006: Binary installers available. Binary packages for the win32 platform, RPM based and Debian systems are now available for the download. A stand-alone binary installer for the win32 platform is also available. It includes all the software and libraries needed to run BESTGUI (but BEST). :15/04/2006: Released BESTGUI 0.95. Some bugfix and many improvements to the setup environment for win32. Binary distributions will be available soon. :09/04/2006: Released BESTGUI 0.94. :05/04/2006: The Home Page is on. .. _sphinx: http://sphinx.pocoo.org .. _download: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=164268 .. _`BESTGUI project page`: http://sourceforge.net/projects/bestgui .. _SourceForge: http://sourceforge.net .. _ESA: http://earth.esa.int .. _`PEP 8`: http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0008.html