The standard way to run BESTGUI is to type:
$ bestgui
at the command prompt.
If you have BESTGUI installed in a non-standard place (i.e if you used the --prefix option at installation time) please make sure that the PREFIX/bin directory is in the system search path by checking the PATH environment variable. As an alternative you can use the full path name from the command shell:
What stated above also applies if you want to run BESTGUI from the source directory without installing it (see Running BESTGUI without installation). The only difference is that the BESTGUI executable is placed in the scripts directory instead of bin.
If you have BESTGUI installed in a standard location you can also use the system menu of your Desktop Environment to launch the program by clicking on the BESTGUI icon.
If you have BESTGUI installed in a standard location you can run it using the Windows Programs Menu by clicking on the BESTGUI icon.
In order to launch BESTGUI from the command line you have to locate the best-gui.pyw main script an then run:
cmd> start PATH\TO\MAIN\SCRIPT\best-gui.pyw
No command line option is available at the moment.
To be written.
To be written.
To be written.
To be written.
To be written.